Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Nurses Office

A few days ago I got really sick; unfortunately, I got sick on a Tuesday afternoon which was too late to go to the Healthplex nurse, so I waited until Wednesday morning to go. I walked up to the counter and the nurse behind the desk gives me a billion papers to fill out. I fill out all the papers and give them back to her. I wait patiently even thought I am in pain with a horrid head ache and just feel bad all over.
Hours pass, hours I could be in class but no, I am still waiting at the Healthplex to SEE a nurse. Then at eleven o’clock, they announce they are closing for the day. CLOSING! I did not even get to see the nurse! I missed a whole day of classes and was going to have to miss more the next day. I asked if I could make an appointment so I would be sure to get in on Thursday and actually see the nurse. The lady behind the desk tells me students can not make appointments. No wonder I did not get in to see the nurse! There was a steady stream of older people coming in that kept being called before me! I understand that those people probably have jobs to get back to, but I have school and I don’t get paid sick days, and I was in at least as much pain and discomfort as most of them. I was sick and I should be treated just as they are. Why do they get to make appointments, but I can’t?! Someone needs to change or improve the nursing/doctor’s office at the Healthplex. I feel their system is extremely unfair to students.

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